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First I'd like to thank Anna, Ilkka and digi couches for the best course so far. Great projects and great people. What actually made this course the best for me - was my team. We started in August with Riikka, Melike, Karoliina, Antti and me. The team that has been together almost from the very beginning when we started school in Laurea. After the happiness task our group increased by two charming people, Salla and Sakari, which made our group even more greater in my opinion.

I think this course was about togetherness. Gathering together to share our thoughts and seeing how one lithe idea grew into something big. In the past courses I've been given feedback that I should relieve my thoughts more. I think I managed to do it now. Thanks to my team! It was so easy to tell about my ideas to my group. I believe that it was because I knew everybody quite well so it didn't matter if my idea was crap or not, every idea was worth to be hear of and judgements came later (Especial thank to Viveka who taught us this)! (:

I never really talked about my stage fright in my blog before, even though it's actually a huge deal for me that bothers me in the back of my head all the time, when I know I have to be in front of the people, on a stage and present something. Sometimes I hated this course about it and sometimes loved it, because it made me push my limits further. I'm still fucking terrified about presenting something but practise makes a master, right?

Digital business course taught me: how important appreciation is, it's better to try and fail than not to try, everything that you do builds a image of yourself to others, to hop into something completely new even though it feels scary, to believe in my dreams, only the sky is the limit, to dare to be different, to make something mad and over the top if you feel like it and that the best ideas come from the craziest ones. If you do something, make it with 100%, not less! Don't forget that...


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