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What a week behind! I really enjoyed our project for Mazda. What always amazes me is how differently teams take the assignment and what will be the outcome and that's the best part of it. Extremely waiting for the decision from Aki and Markku. There were so many great ideas! To be honest I'm not really looking forward to our next task to Vantaa, because this girl ain't a gamer. On the other hand this is something we haven't done before so there's something new to learn. As always it just depends on one's mindset - you can think positively or negatively - it's up to you!

On Friday our team visited Nordic Business Forum. We went to Technopoli's live stream to watch Jessica Jackley, Vineet Nayar and Amy Chua's speeches. I enjoyed the story of Patrich that Jackley told. I think the lesson of the story was that you don't have to have fortunes or be rich in order to be successful. What amazed me the most was KIVA. In my opion KIVA is better than any other "donation organization" because in fact it's about loaning money, not donating money. I thought it was so funny when Jessica told us that they thought KIVA means in Swahili unity even though it doesn't mean anything in that language haha. I might try KIVA one day and loan my 25 bucks to someone and repeat it. I loved the quote "You're not qualified"!

Then moving onto Vineet Nayar. This millionaire Indian man had such a strong accent that in some points it was super hard to follow his speech. Though here's some things I got to pick up! Nayaar told us that the road to success in to be in a high performance team. This means that they do things that other consider impossible. I agree with Nayaar because when you want to achieve something and be the best, the leader, you gotta aim to something that somebody else couldn't even dream about. The things we should focus on are not worrying about the past but focusing on the future and instead of thinking what I don't have we should think WHAT WE HAVE. Nayaar says employees first, customers second. I can see his point but I still believe that by completing customers' wishes and needs lead to success better than focusing first to the employees. On the contrary nothing really works if the management and employers only hate each other.

Amy Chua opened her speech with a little tiger story which I found funny. I was astonished by how much culture really affects the success and how deeply Chua has thought about this subject. She showes us the triple package - the way to success. It's funny that in order to be successful one has to have insecures. But by being an underdog tend to have an effect to push one further and further because of course you want to show everybody who you really are and what you're capable to achieve. It's crazy that the children of poor, uneduated parents, usually end up to be leaders or high possession.

With these words I quiet and stay to wait for what next week brings up. But now...

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