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Before I started to write this post, I went through my mind and thought what actually happened this week. Then Tapsa's story about his year in Stockholm came to my mind immediately. I gotta take my hat off to Tapsa for what he did, because I don't think that I could do the same.

The thought of leaving to somewhere as a free mover kinda scares me. I'm a type of person who likes to live in a comfortable zone. On the other hand I think it would be really awesome to try something like that. The way Tapsa told us his story made it seemed to like that it's actually quite easy to move to another country (at least to Sweden) and get a school place on your own, when you put a little bit of effort in it.

Before Monday I had never heard about the SAE instute. Oskar's lecture was really cool and their school too. I mean... Who doesn't want to study music things in a place with lots of connetions and maybe work with super popular people from the music industry?!

And for some extra content from our Mazda shooting from Saturday (; Even though the weather was quite cold, we had to wait too long in a queue in Hesburger and the car was dirty I think we got some nice material for our Mazda presentation. See you! ☺

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