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It's Friday, Friday! YAAAAAY! I'm going to end this school week by writing this blog and then head to the movies. I can't remember when was the last time I actually watched a movie from a big screen so I'm quite excited. I treat you with a picture from Kiiminki. I'm excited about the first snow. There's much more light outside than there was a week ago. The gloominess is finally defeated but who knows for how long...

Let's go back to the beginning of this week. I wasn't able to attend our lecture on Monday but fortunately I got to watch it from Facebook LIVE even though I didn't see it from the start. What I liked about the speakers was their energy. Avilia told about his downs and ups during his career. I think it's great how he climbed even higher after he got away from the jail and how he maintained the trust that people had to him. Riina Laaksonen was very inspiring and bubbly. I saw the passion that she has towards helping people to get fit and a healthy life style.

Yesterday we had our SSM presentations. Great ideas and presentations again! What puzzled me was the given feedback though. This time it wasn't so specific. Saying something was good doesn't really tell what actually was good. Personally I liked SSM tasks. In my opinion they were exactly what this course is all about - digital marketing. This was a great opportunity for us to find ways how to market a company in a digital environment. ++ I'm looking super forward to making a marketing video for our very own Fatima! Before I'm gonna dig into my popcorns I wish you a joyful weekend! Thanks for reading my blog! (: Pictures

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