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Digging into digital business tools

Woosh! This week of this course was very informative. I enjoyed our guest speakers and especially a lecture held by Ilkka about digital business tools. Our team also started working on our commercial video. I don't know if I can stay in my pants any longer and wait for the results!

Anyhow anywho let's get into the subject! Monday started with an inspiration sting from Tanja Heikkinen. I found it super cool that she was so inspirated about this course last year that she had the guts to send an open application to Myy, and got the intership!

Ilkka gave us a task to experience one digital tool that he listed in his Facebook post. I chose a web grader by Hubspot. I got 85, which is quite good. As you can see from the picture above, the only weakness is the SEO.

How could I improve my SEO then? First thing this web grader points out is that my meta description is way too long. I should start my blog posts more intensively. Get them hooked. And yes, I admit that I've been way too lazy with tags lately. I don't have any page titles or any kind of a sitemap. There's hardly any tabs like "About me", "My story", "Contact me" etc. This is something I could really improve.

In my opinion Google Analytics is a brilliant tool also. According to improve your web page and business, analysing the page is a good start. This tool gives you statistics about for example how many people visit your website, how long they stay there and how many active users do you have. Based on this data you can think of ways how to make your website more attractive and compelling.

FEELING EXTREMELY HAPPY AND RELIEVED even though there's so many things to do. I think I've learn how to pass stress and just live in a moment, go forward day by day. I want to wish you all a great week.

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