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It's Friday night and I feel a bit relieved but also exahausted. Studying and working at the same time is sometimes really hard but I think in the end it's all worth it. I feel good though. Monday started... well quite awkwardly because nothing really went right with Minecraft things. Luckily our team got new ideas for this particular task so we're not completely lost with this one. I think the hardest part will be to pick the best idea and starting developing it or will we combine many ideas to one, we don't know yet.

Today we had as a guest a great motivation speaker Aida Hubanic. In my opinion her speech was the best movation speech that I have ever heard so far. It's funny how I start to feel togetherness immediately with a guest speaker everytime if he or she has also roots in Laurea. This always reminds me how I should not regret about choosing Laurea from many other universities. We have a freedom to execute ourselves in our school in many different ways. Why don't we use the freedom that many students don't have? I think this course is a great example and an honour from teacher to our student to give us pretty free hands to create ourselves.

I was astonished about the Game Jam. What great things can happen by putting random people into groups and let them create something new in only 48 hours! I think that differences in things like this is only a richness than a downside. I have realized this also in my pwn group. Salla and Sakari joined our team last week, which I think it's great. It's nice to have new ideas and thoughts to our group, which had stayed the same for a quite long time. Not saying that our team was bad before this. We have a super team but now it's more fresh. ☻

Interaction with the audience? She nailed it imo! After telling about this Cuckoo application (and we inspired by Ilkka) she got everyone of us to stand up. At that moment I felt a relaxed and joyful feeling inside. Many were so reluctant to do that which made me so happy, because a typical finnish person would had just sat there "Ja minähän en tästä nouse, kun on kerran istuttu". I also find funny the way finnish people think about sitting though, if the word after sitting is kills in Google's search engine. :D People become more lazy all the time and I think we need more apps like this to motivate us to do the right choice and move more.

After our lunch break Aida share her story with us. I think that when she came to sit with us was a great way to get a deeper connection to us to deliver her message. More speakers should definitely do the same. I can only image how much courage one has to have to share a story like Aida's. She left me speechless and I definitely think that I wasn't the only one. I can't think how awful it's to live in fear all the time and not knowing what's about to happen next. Will I die? Will one of my dearest relatives die? Will I have home tomorrow? These kinda questions just give me a suffocating feeling inside me, questions I wish I never have to think about or let overwhelm my mind. I'm so glad Aida and her family survived alive, especially her brother. I'm also happy that they had a chance to continue their lives in this amazing and safe country. I'm starting to feel quite emotional while writing this post. There are wars going on at the moment and I got to be one of the luckiest people in the world to be safe and sound while many have to struggle through unintelligible things I can only hear of.

The way Aida talked about defining me and finding my WHY was very encouraging. She taught us that if we're thinking about to do something but we are unsure about it at the same time, we should think what's the most likely to, worst and best scenario that could happen. As in Aida's example about Jam Game, there is hardly anything to lose but achieve. I think Finns in general are very bad at saying YES to great but maybe also scary opportunities. And in the end we usually notice how good the outcome was even though we first were extremely skeptical. The better self-knowledge you have, the braver you are.

Aida told us to write down positive things that people have told about us to ourselves that we can boost our blue mind, when we feel down or lazy. She was perfectly right. Roope gave us a great example of this by telling his window board award thingy. We tempt to forget the good and positives things about ourselves when we most need them and it shouldn't be that way. Instead of thinking how we suck and can never be anything , we should give ourselves and opportunity to try, succeed or fail, learn and spread our wings again no matter what happened. Know you - Be you and don't be afraid to show you. After the struggles she's been through I'm happy for her that she can live her dream and help others. She's absolutely a brave and splendid lady.

Even though the chilly wind hit my face, Aida's words left me warm inside. All in all Aida's speech was great and I can't describe with words how speechless her story made me feel inside. Lastly I want to apologize for my spelling mistakes in this blog, but forgive me I'M SUPER TIRED. Sweet dreams, goodnight or day, whenever you are reading this. See you next week. Hope you have an awesome and safe weekend. ♥

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