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Emotions in marketing

Imo this week was interesting and we had a lot of good speakers. THANK YOU! When I start to think about what I learned this week, three things came to my mind and I'd like to talk about them.


Anna held us a lecture on monday about emotins in marketing. What really surprised me was that emotional campaings/commercials are more effective than commercials in which emotions and sense are combined. I tend to do my choices first based on what my heart says and then I maybe listen to my brain (of course this depends on how significant or expensive the decision is to me). I enjoyed the videos that Anna showed us about prankvertising. What a hilarious way to market your product!

TRUST (Be yourself)

Another great point came up again. In order to get customers and keep them you have to gain trust. By being yourself not only in real life but also online! Putting bullshit and empty promises on your website is a fast way to hell. And what is the most important thing in business? THE CUSTOMERS! If you keep your customers happy, they probably recommend your company to their friends and relatives which leads to a bigger customer base without a financial marketing.


I think Mari Nieminen and Samuli Marjamäki's presentation was one of the best ones during this course. I really liked the example, which Samuli showed us. It was nice to see how you can improve your website only with little changes. I have never created a website myself so this lecture helped me a lot, if I end up to a situation, in which I have to make a consise but impressive site. Mari showed us a picture with a heat map. The funny thing was that the people who had watched the page didn't look at the place, where the product and its price were, because our brain thinks it's a commercial. And people HATE commercials. At least I do. So how am i going to create a website that is not annoying and a potential customer doesn't want to leave the page after a second? No carousels, a short but informative description about your company - what do you do, where do you do and for who do you do, a link to your service and your contacts have to be up in the page, not down! Nobody likes scrolling. Thank you!


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