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It's crazy how weeks just run by! So many things have happened in such a short time. As usual I really enjoyed our Minecraft Vantaa presentations yesterday. Even though almost every team picked the same task there were different out-comes. There were quite many tresure hunting ideas and I liked the most team 9's fantasy treasure hunting. Lisa's voice brought so much emotion to their video! Our team had a problem with the actual game, because we didn't get it to work, so we figured out it was the best to just present our idea with a powerpoint. We thought that this way we could share our idea better and so we did, I think. We got good feedback from the jugdes which felt great. I was enthusiastic and looking forward to the next task. BTW thanks for Fatima, who took some pictures of us while we were presenting! (:

And right after the Vantaa minecraft presentations, the new project to SSM started. I already prefer this one, because first I ain't a gamer and second in my opinion SSM tasks are more closer to our studies and what I actually want to learn. The company itself seems quite old-fashioned in my eyes. Our household doesn't allow advertisements and I think that digital marketing and other media marketing are far more effecting that direct advertising. And who wants to carry all that pape outside to a rubbish bin, when you have a computer where you can compare many offers in real-time and save time?

On Monday I had to go to work so I couldn't to joined the Vainu visit. Thanks to Facebook live I was able to watch what happened during the visit. It's so crazy that only a few years ago Vainu only had under 10 employees. now they have over 300 people working there and the amount of employees only rises all the time. Vainu is a great example how big things always have a small beginning.

How am I feeling about the course at the moment? Well MY FEELINGS ARE HIGH! Excited, looking forward to explore something new, willing to soak myself with all the new things, absorb information as much as I can and trying to figure out how to create something spectacular and crazy. What I am missing about this course is feedback. From my point of view I'd like to receive and give feedback. What was good about this task, what was good/bad, what is there to improve and could the company has done something differently. For example I think it was great that Lari gave his phone number so we could directly get a connection to him if we needed. Usually we should ask first from our team coaches, then Anna or Ilkka, who would ask from Lari and then we should wait for the answer. Here's where I stop my thoughts this time. Extremely looking forward to kick off our SSM task! Wishing you all a relaxing weekend!

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