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Another week behind! I have had hardly time this week to sleep so I've been pretty much a walking zombie the whole week. Fortunately the weekend begins and hopefully I MIGHT have sometime to relax even though I have to work the whole weekend. Learning the law was quite laborious but on the other hand I found it's common knowledge which is good to know in a work life and also in a private life. I can't belive how people in law school remember these lawes literally.

It's funny how complacated law sometimes is. I enjoyed looking for answers from Finlex though it made my head hurt a bit, haha. I think one thing that pointed out the most to me was that a costumer have to check out the product immediately when conditions allows that. If the consumer don't check the product as said above, he has no right to ask for a compensation. This was a very important point in many cases that we went through.

By the way, just to clear things up concerning my previous post. I well understand that busy business people don't have time to answer our phone calls and emails. I just wanted to point out that was actually very helpful and the idea was nice. Sorry for not making this clear in the last post. Peace!

I really don't know how I'm feeling about this SSM task While we worked on it today, I started to feel bad. The more we went into searching how much SSM really pay for their employees the more nauseated I felt. I read some opinions from people who have worked for SSM. The main reason for resignation seemed to be that the salary is ridiculous compare to the amount of work an employee has to do. Usually it takes 5 hours for one district to sort the products and deliver them. This basically means that a young 14-year-old girl gets about 140 euros for 40 working hours, if she delivers twice a week. Thus her hourly wage is only 3,5 euros! This upsets me so much and I don't wonder why their employees don't want to work for them long time. In my opinion it's awesome that SSM provides jobs for teenagers, but the salary they offer it's just too little. Who's with me?

Anna hit just the right spot, when SSM came to present our tasks. Why don't they focus on trying to keep the current employees working for them instead of trying to recruit new blood so much. If their turnover rate wouldn't be so big, they surely would save more money. This's something we are definitely going to think about.

I'm looking forward to what's gonna happen next! Lastly I want to wish you a relaxing weekend ☺

PS. Here are the links for the pictures so I won't get into a troublel

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