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I felt the excited atmosphere in the air this week, especially when the Mazda guys, Aki Kaukola and Markku Riekkola, came to tell about our first project. I really liked Markku's story from the 70's. I think he is still as excited about Mazda cars as when he was as a kid.

The most important think that came up during their meeting in my opinion was what's the meaning of a brand - to create value. It was good to point out because our task is to make a video, in which we highlight Mazda brand and its specialities to our selected costumer group. I found the Lada example very hilarious how to not brand your car company. At least I wouldn't but the word cheap nowhere when marketing a car.

Mazda wants to celebrate driving and remind a driver how fun it's actually drive a car by yourself. I think their thought about celebrating driving is sweet but also quite old-fashioned. The world changes all the time and we change with it. I think the future is in technology and sooner or later all the cars (or the most of them) will be automatic.

I'm still quite excited about all this. Making a video doesn't worry me but the editing ohhh yes! I'm not a video wizard and was quite terrified when Teemu introduced us the video editing program Abode Premiere Pro. I don't know which video editor our team is going to use but looking forward to face my nightmare (and lose my hair too).

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