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This week was definitely about networking, marketing and branding yourself. On Monday Anna lectured us about how important it's to brand yourself and that the image you give about yourself to others is really what they're gonna say about you, when you leave the room. I found it funny that I have an unconscious part in me that even me or the others don't know about.

On Tuesday was our turn to share happiness. Our group (5) served coffee for free in Laguuni and Aavas. First everybody was quite shy when we offered people to have some coffee. Luckily there was one person who was brave enough to stand up and have a cup of coffee because after him more people came as well, so finnish...

I visited the marketing week 2016 on Wednesday. We "got lost" first but I'm happy that we did. We went to the meetings and events 2016 and listened to Ville Tolvanen's speech about how important it is to digitize events. (By the way I got him to my Linked In- connections ;)) Because by digitizing events and meetings we can reach more people and the people who are watching the event are not committed to it. Instead of watching news from the tv every evening at 10 p.m. , we can watch the news whenever we want and where we want. Why should we have a meeting in an exact place when at the same time everybody who is invited to the meeting could join it online?

Ville also told us about 170/100/100 which means that in Finland every person has 1,7 internet connections and the use of internet has grown 100 % from the last year. This was a good reminder of how developed Finland actually is and how much time people spend time online. Why don't we show what we do there where everybody is? I think this course is very up-to-date, because we live stream our lectures and if a student miss a class, he can always watch it later.

I also listened speeches from Jukka Kurttila, the guy who bought Finlayson, and Juha-Matti Raunio who worked for Anttila. Raunio told us about the Facebook original serie, Erinomanlaiset that they created to market Anttila. I think the idea to market something by creating a serie to social media is brilliant and how you can build your image of your brand by turning it to entertainment.

And YES we also visited SSM stand! (;

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